What Stinks?!

Maintain the cleanliness and functionality of your travel trailer's holding tanks

2 min read



RVs and travel trailers have holding tanks that store wastewater from toilets (black water) and wastewater from sinks or showers (gray water). Over time, these tanks can accumulate waste buildup, leading to unpleasant odors, clogs, and malfunctioning sensors.

There is not one chemical that is currently on the market that truly cleans RV holding tanks and tank sensors as they all advertise. Every black tank chemical product claims that their product dissolves, breaks down, or liquifies waste in the holding tanks. Indeed, that is exactly what they do. What they don’t tell you is that these tank additives create a sludge or thick pancake-like batter in the tanks and make it impossible to keep tanks completely clean and sensors reading properly. They allow waste to “pile up” and create problems such as odors, drainage problems, and even clogs and mounds, aka “poop pyramids”. 💩 Poop should be kept solid so that is easily flushes with the liquid.

There has to be a better solution! There is. Try this instead:

Mix 8 ounces of Calgon Ageless Bath Pearls and 40 ounces of PINE-SOL® (comes in original pine scent and lemon scent) in a one-gallon jug. Fill the jug with water. Shake gently and allow any foam to settle down. Use four to eight ounces (as directed) in both the grey and black tanks, every time you have emptied them, more in especially hot weather or if your tanks will be filling up slowly over time. (Check out the Kleen Tank website.)

This is also a cost-effective tank treatment option, and the smell of PINE-SOL® keeps your trailer free of offensive odors. 🫢

Some other useful tips:

1. Water is Your Friend: After flushing poop, make sure to flush a second time with a basin full of water. This allows the debris to float in the tank and not stick to the sides and bottom of your tank. When you empty your tanks, this should allow debris to easily leave the tank through the sewer hose, aka “stinky slinky”. See The Great Debate.

2. Only Flush Human Waste: I do not flush toilet paper down the toilet. This helps avoid possible clogs and debris blocking the tank sensors from reading properly. Some may find this unappealing but so many countries around the world do not flush anything down the toilet but human waste. The restrooms have a dedicated trashcan next to the toilets for used toilet paper. I observed this in many of my European travels. Instead, I use a mini trashcan with special trash bags in my travel trailer. I dispose of the trash bag every few days and there is no odor. This also allows me to use my choice of toilet paper. 🙌

By regularly using the Kleen Tank solution, you can prevent clogs, reduce odors, and ensure your tank sensors are working properly. This keeps your travel trailer’s plumbing system operating smoothly and enhances your overall travel experience.

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